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Food products : Choose a masterwork...

Twenty kilogrammes of pasta dough went into the making of this rendering of the Hospice of Beaune. It won an award at the 1976 gastronomy competition in Frankfurt and is the creation of Georges Bouché, aka Bourguignon le Disciple de la Sainte-Beaume, cook compagnon des Devoirs Unis.

The obelisk built on a temple with columns is made of pastilled sugar. This masterpiece was produced in 1995 by the pastrycook compagnon du Devoir Picard la Fidélité. It contains many symbols of Compagnonnage, particularly those that are specific to the bakers and pastrycooks : crossed canes, wheat-sheaves, labyrinth, set square and compasses, coats of arms. A butterfly, the only touch of colour, is there to remind us of the ephemeral character of the works created for the eaters’ relish..

Berry le Désir de Bien Faire, compagnon confectionner des Devoirs Unis, made these pastilled sugar eggs in 1998 to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the museum. It is a homage to the three legendary founders : Maître Jacques, King Solomon and Father Soubise.

This masterpiece made of pasta dough is the work of Bordelais la Constance, compagnon cook des Devoirs Unis in 2008 for the 40th anniversary of the museum. It includes many hints at its history, the dates it was conceived and inaugurated, its curators as well as symbols of Compagnonnage (the faithful dog, the three founders, the chain that links the compagnons together, the cane, the greeting rite).