Sound information on the compagnonnage and on research methods bearing upon ancestors who were compagnons, supplied by Nathalie Hames.
Jean-Michel Mathonière’s website contains a wealth of documentation and includes lists of compagnon stone-dressers’ names gathered from Avignon’s archives.
The Musée du Compagnonnage in Romanèche-Thorins (Saône-et-Loire) collects names of workmen and compagnon carpenters du Devoir de Liberté who attended technical drawing classes at Pierre-François Guillon’s school from 1872 to 1921 (an incomplete list eagerly awaiting extension from any information you can supply!).
A site entirely devoted to Parisian craftsmen in woodwork and furniture-making. It boasts a database containing over 50,000 cross-referenced items of information and provides a wealth of documentation on compagnon carpenters, cabinet-makers and house-decoration related crafts.